Monday, September 17, 2012

 New art going up on the wall everyday!
I'm anxious to get these pieces in frames so I can really start seeing the finished product I've been envisioning. And that's a matter of finding a free moment in the busy woodworker's schedule...

I admit to being a bit of a defeatist with this whole full-time art life I've taken up...

"why are you doing this?"
"you sound awfully pretentious calling yourself an artist"
"you find this more important than looking for a job??"
"you think your art even matters?"

All insecurities aside, I know there's a point somewhere in all this tangle of stranded knitting. And maybe I don't have my most confident foot in the door but there's something in me that tells me to go with it and just do. 
There's always magic in action.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Last days of work at the denim factory. Up next: freedom. I'm taking control of my little creative life and devoting myself FULL-TIME to making art!! I finally said "What am I waiting for?" and took the plunge. Lots of new work in the making, am going to put on my first solo art show centered around knitting and the written word. Y'all wanna taste of what I'm cooking up in the studio?